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October 21, 2014 at 4:44am

I am a fifty three year old woman. I am so thankful to have found this site.. my boyfriend of three years ended our relationship about five months ago. He was clearly a misogynistic narcissist. I thought something was wrong the whole 3year relationship. It was so mentally tormenting to me; I have never been so allienated in my life. It was a never ending cycle of pleasing him. It took every moment of my day. He never gave to me, but made many promises. I was .never good enough! He belittled me constantly, and made me doubt my intire self worth. Sometimes he would through me a bone , but not with any love behind it. He loved to keep me confused. He gave to others though, and loved to make himself look like a great person! I feel like a piece of trash because of him! He was very mean to his poor aged mother as well, and would ignore her phone calls. If I would try to tell him how he made me feel he would resent it, and ignore me. He cheated on me and I caught him , because he was turning his ph. Volume off so he could text. To his hearts content. He admitted he was interested in another woman. It broke my heart in two because I felt so much rejection ; because I felt it was all my fault! Funny thing is , he loved porn, but would never kiss me , and never was interested in me sexually, making me feel horrible and rejected.He spent money like crazy, but would get stingy about stupid things. Very selfish! One of the things that bothered me the most is that he did not trust me, and also would put the blame on me for all that went wrong in his life. I treated him like a king to win his approval and trust, but it never came. I just want to heal; I feel so empty and lonely and rejected and betrayed! Thank you for reading this; I hope we all find ourselves again.

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Oct 21, 2014 at 2:28am






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